Day 7

9am - Today I have an event, I'm actually going on my own, I was meant to go with our Vegan chef Kasia, but she's cancelled.

Not going to lie, I am pretty nervous to go alone.

It's good to push yourself out of your comfort zone. I once heard a quote "be comfortable with being uncomfortable" another quote, which is mine and Jakes favourite quote "feel the fear and do it anyway". Anyways enough motivational talk and more about food. There's a hot buffet at the event, which I don't plan to touch to be honest. Unless, it's amazing.

I will have a drink though...

I made protein pancakes this morning, we're launching them next week for Pancake special. Chocolate pancakes, with a side of berries and Nutella! So tasty.

11.57pm - I've had one busy day! 

The event earlier was great it was for Diamonds and Deals a great concept to get women in business together. I'm feeling very inspired and motivated from everyone there. 

I went to the gym for a quick 15 minute session with Jake, even though it was short. It was brutal.

I had a glass of Prosecco and a small plate of food at the event, with literally some leaves, slice of toasted bread and some sort of pastry. I was intentionally saving myself for tonight for the cinema. 

Jake and I then went to the cinema to The Green Book, inspired on true events.  It was brilliant, few chuckles throughout. 

We shared a huge cup of pick n mix, I just ate the fudge, I probably had about 10 pieces. 

I then ate a bag of counters. We didn't go dinner beforehand, so we agreed  to order a Dominos for when we got home. I ordered a small pizza; half Margherita and half vegi surpreme, I don't usually go vegi on pizza.

Jake had a medium pizza. 

I left one slice, purely because it was soggy. I then finished the night with a generous handful of minstrels.

Yep I've eaten a lot of crap today, but do I feel guilty? Not really. Did I enjoy it? Yes. 

It's a Saturday, it's the weekend, I love pizza, I love chocolate.I've previously been to the cinema with just a bottle of water because "I'm on a diet" but for me that takes half the fun out of cinema experience.

I have another busy day tomorrow, planning to go to the gym in the morning and then I'm driving to Essex with Georgie for my friends baby shower. She's also going to have a lil boy! 



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